Self-Assessment Tool for Autism in Teens: Understanding the Spectrum



Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex neurological condition that affects individuals in various ways. While symptoms can manifest differently from person to person, early diagnosis and intervention can make a significant difference in the lives of those with autism. In this blog post, we will be discussing a self-assessment tool designed to help parents and teenagers gain a better understanding of autism in adolescents.

Understanding Autism in Teens

Autism is a lifelong condition that is typically diagnosed in early childhood. However, some individuals may not receive a formal diagnosis until their teenage years. Understanding the signs and symptoms of autism in teens can be challenging, as many behaviors can overlap with typical adolescence. This self-assessment tool can provide valuable insights and help initiate conversations about autism in teenagers.

The Self-Assessment Tool

This self-assessment tool is not a substitute for a professional diagnosis but can serve as a helpful resource to identify potential signs of autism in teens. It is designed to be completed collaboratively by both the teenager and a trusted adult, such as a parent, guardian, or teacher.

Teenager's Self-Assessment:

  1. Do you find social situations confusing or challenging?
  2.  Are you often told that you have intense interests or obsessions that you can't seem to shake?
  3.  Do you prefer routines and get upset when they are disrupted?
  4.  Is maintaining eye contact during conversations difficult for you?
  5.  Do you have strong sensitivities to certain textures, sounds, or smells?
  6.  Are you comfortable with non-literal language, like sarcasm or idioms?
  7.  Do you sometimes struggle to understand other people's emotions or social cues?
  8.  Are you averse to physical touch or overly sensitive to it?
  9.  Do you engage in repetitive behaviors, like hand-flapping, pacing, or repetitive speech?
  10.  Do you have difficulties in making and keeping friends?

Trusted Adult's Observations:

Does the teenager struggle with maintaining eye contact during conversations?Have you noticed any sensory sensitivities, such as a strong aversion to certain textures, sounds, or smells? Do they have difficulty understanding sarcasm or non-literal language?Have you observed challenges in their social interactions or making and keeping friends? Do they have intense interests or obsessions that seem unusual or intense? Have you noticed any repetitive behaviors or movements? Do they prefer routines and get upset when they are disrupted? Are they averse to physical touch or sensitive to it? Do they exhibit emotional or behavioral responses that seem atypical in certain situations?. Have you observed any difficulties in their verbal or non-verbal communication?

Scoring and Interpretation:

After completing the self-assessment, calculate the total score for each respondent. You can do this by adding up the scores for each question.
  • A total score of 0-10 suggests minimal concerns.
  • A total score of 11-20 may indicate mild concerns.
  • A total score of 21-30 suggests moderate concerns.
  • A total score of 31-40 may indicate significant concerns.
If there is a notable difference in scores between the teenager's self-assessment and the trusted adult's observations or if the total score indicates significant concerns, it is advisable to seek a professional evaluation from a healthcare provider, psychologist, or autism specialist. This quantifiable self-assessment can provide a clearer indication of potential issues related to autism in teenagers.

What to Do Next

If the self-assessment tool suggests the possibility of autism, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a specialist experienced in diagnosing autism. A formal diagnosis is crucial to access appropriate support and services.


Understanding autism in teens is a crucial step in ensuring they receive the support and resources they need. While the self-assessment tool can provide valuable insights, remember that it's not a replacement for a professional diagnosis. Always seek guidance from a healthcare provider or specialist for an accurate assessment and to create a tailored plan to support teenagers with autism. Early intervention and support can make a significant difference in the lives of adolescents on the autism spectrum. Contact UsMore BlogsVolunteer
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