Empowering autism with compassion and understanding.



he Global Relief & Support Corporation (GRS Corp) exists to enhance the lives of people and families impacted by autism. Their goal is to enable individuals on the Autism Spectrum to lead independent, dignified lives while being valued for their unique abilities. GRS Corp achieves this through:

Important OF Purpose

  • Advocacy: Championing autism rights and needs at various levels.
  • Education: Offering resources to boost understanding and acceptance of autism.
  • Support Services: Connecting families with vital resources and networks.
  • Community: Creating a supportive community through networking and events.
  • Nature Programs: Exploring outdoor activities for the benefit of those with autism.
  • School Collaboration: Partnering with schools for better support and awareness.
  • Affiliates Network: Establishing a nationwide network for local, state, and national support.
    In short, GRS Corp strives to provide a nurturing environment for individuals with autism, enabling them to thrive and lead meaningful lives.